mainmenu.hlp:Menu Modify Filtering %0 File… Progress for Document Report %0… Progress for API Client %0… Ungrouping this PICT may lose some formatting information, and the subscribe link will be broken. Proceed with ungroup? spell.hlp:Write All Unknown Words to File... spell.hlp:Write to File... spell.hlp:Merge from File... spell.hlp:Change Site Dictionary... spell.hlp:Change Dictionary... Memory allocation failure attempting to list document reports. Memory allocation failure attempting to list API clients. No information found for this document report. No information found for this API client. Please choose an API client. Continue file2.hlp:Save Book Description file2.hlp:Save As... file1.hlp:Open... file1.hlp:New... file1.hlp:Cannot Find Graphic File... xref.hlp:Unresolved X-Refs... import.hlp:Import File... book1.hlp:Add File... dbre text Graphic Edition Text Edition QuickTime Movie TIFF EPSF PICT MacPaint Text & Interchange - MIF Frame Dictionary Frame Document Claris XTND System Claris Select Use Merge Save Cancel Menu Customization File Unable to create Section record for new publisher. Unable to replace publisher. Please choose a different name for new edition file. Cannot create a publisher with an empty selection. Select either a publisher or a subscriber. This edition does not contain any formats that %p understands. A valid path could not be built. This is an emergency exit. Do not save on top of your last known good version of this document. Use another name. Done Ungrouping this PICT may lose some formatting information. Proceed with ungroup? Apple Color Picker… Pantone®… Other Pickers A file named “%0filename” may not work well with %1system. OK to continue? Do you want to export this file as MIF? This document has references to other files using names that will not work well with %0system. At least one document in the book could not be opened. Some pages may not be printed. Don’t use file names that begin with a period (.). Some imported graphics could not be printed. OK to continue? Some imported graphics could not be displayed. They will be temporarily replaced by gray boxes. Selecting the Demonstration option will cause this copy of %p to become permanently save-disabled. Can’t open another window. Close some other windows and try again. Nothing to save. %p can’t create FrameImages for some imported graphics due to insufficient memory. These graphics will appear as gray rectangles on other workstations and may not print properly. Can’t open include file “%0filename”. Store Spell Checking Results in File Merge File into Document Dictionary Write Document Dictionary to File Use File for Personal Dictionary Merge File into Personal Dictionary Write Personal Dictionary to File Number of current users: %d Revert to last-saved version of “%0filename”? Cannot display the Tools palette. Close some windows and try again. Internal error %0errornumber,%1errornumber2. %p has detected a serious problem and must quit. Please contact Frame Technical Support at (408) 922-2744 and describe the actions leading to this error. Cannot revert. “%0filename” has never been saved. Put the insertion point where you want to import the text. Page size too large. File is not a dictionary. Make sure the first line of the text file is “”. Document is empty. Nothing to print. The file is located too deep in folders with long names. Can’t lock the file. The filename is longer than 26 characters. Save changes to “%0filename” before closing? document book Update Import Replace Select a position to insert the new file in the book. A file with the same name already exists. OK to replace file? A book file with the same name already exists. OK to replace old book file? %0n Unresolved Cross-References There were difficulties reading the MIF in this book file. There were difficulties translating this file. Add New Open Please locate “%0filename”: Please locate “%0filename” in “%1area”: Current reference has an invalid path. Select a File to Import: Currently: “%0filename” Exporting Text… Exporting MIF… Save Log File As: Lost %0filename File: Select Site Dictionary Select Personal Dictionary Save Book Description In: Save Document As: